Ducati SportClassic (2003-)

DucatiDucatiducati.lap.hu/9-99hu16987221742004-08-14 00:00:002023-10-31 04:16:14Central Médiacsoport Zrt.centralmediacsoport@centralmediacsoport.hu2004


The SportClassics are a range of retro-styled motorcycles first introduced by Ducati at the 2003 Tokyo Motor Show, and put on sale in 2005 for the 2006 model year. They are the product of Ducati's design chief Pierre Terblanche, who says the series started with the Evoluzione, that is, the MH900e replica of Mike Hailwood's victorious 1978 Isle of Man TT bike. The different variations are based on similar frames, and powered by the Desmodue 992 cc (60.5 cu in) air-cooled L-twin Ducati 1000 Dual Spark engine, also called the DS9 engine.


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