V-Twin vagy L-Twin (1970-)

DucatiDucatiducati.lap.hu/9-99hu16987221742004-08-14 00:00:002023-10-31 04:16:14Central Médiacsoport Zrt.centralmediacsoport@centralmediacsoport.hu2004


Generally, any two-cylinder motorcycle engine with its two cylinders at an equidistant opposite angles from the center rotation of the crankshaft is referred to as a V-twin. The Ducati V-twin is unique in that the 'V' is tilted forward so the front cylider is nearly parallel to the ground, leading many to refer to it as an 'L-Twin' engine instead. Either usage is correct since a 'V-twin' engine is not designated by a specific angle. L-twin refers, in fact, to a configuration with a 90 degree angle between the two cylinders, where the forward cylinder is near parallel to the ground.


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