Ducati Apollo (1964)

DucatiDucatiducati.lap.hu/9-99hu16987221742004-08-14 00:00:002023-10-31 04:16:14Central Médiacsoport Zrt.centralmediacsoport@centralmediacsoport.hu2004


The 1964 Ducati Berliner 1260 Apollo was a prototype 1,250 cc (76 cu in) V4 engine motorcycle producing 100 bhp (75 kW) and capable of over 120 mph (190 km/h). It was never put into production, but did influence other production Ducatis that followed. Both Ducati and their US distributor, Berliner Motor Corporation, were experiencing declining sales of existing small capacity single cylinder models, and sought to create a bike to compete with Harley-Davidson. Berliner Motor was keen to have a model that could win lucrative police motorcycle supply contracts, and that could also sell as a civilian touring bike.


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