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2009 Ducati Desmosedici RR Sportbike Review
Jump on as our editors test ride the first true MotoGP replica, the Ducati Desmosedici RR Sport Motorcycle. Next stop will be rehab for their new found addiction.
2009 Ducati Desmosedici RR
MotoGP has long inspired competing manufacturers to implement racing technologies on their road-going motorcycles, but nobody believed (although everybody thought at the idea at least once) that a MotoGP bike will ever be turned into a road-legal one and be sold to those willing to pay the big bucks.
Ducati Desmosedici RR
The dream of a true GP replica has finally come true and the Desmosedici RR will be the first-ever road-going motorcycle to offer such a stunning wealth of performance and technology that comes directly from Ducati's experience in MotoGP. The RR derives from the Ducati Corse Grand Prix racing Desmosedici GP6, the same bike with which Loris Capirossi and Sete Gibernau competed with in the 2006 MotoGP World Championship.
A Societa Scientifica Radio Brevetti Ducati céget 1926-ban alapították a Ducati testvérek: Adriano, Marcello és Bruno. Eleinte rádóalkatrészeket gyártottak, majd a második Világháború környékén kerékpárra szerelhető segédmotort fejlesztettek ki. Az első Ducati motorkerékpár 1950-ben került piacra 60 cm3-es motorral, 44 kg-os súllyal és 64 km/órás maximális sebességgel.