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Desmo Northwest
Welcome to Desmo Northwest - a community of Ducati enthusiasts in the Pacific Northwest region.
As an anonymous user, you are welcome to browse a subset of the forums and information we provide on this site, however we would like you to become a registered member should you find the information available to you interesting or useful.
club forum ducati Ducatistes du grand sud de la france.
Ducati Monster Fórum
The Ducati Monster List is an online club and resource center for Ducati Monster Owners. You can talk with other Monster owners using our forum, share your experiences, and meet other riders in your area.
Welcome to the ultimate Ducati forum - a website for motorcycle enthusiasts dedicated to all things Ducati. We have many features on this website to make your experience here more enjoyable. The first step would be to REGISTER for free so you can take advantage of all the features we have to offer.
A Societa Scientifica Radio Brevetti Ducati céget 1926-ban alapították a Ducati testvérek: Adriano, Marcello és Bruno. Eleinte rádóalkatrészeket gyártottak, majd a második Világháború környékén kerékpárra szerelhető segédmotort fejlesztettek ki. Az első Ducati motorkerékpár 1950-ben került piacra 60 cm3-es motorral, 44 kg-os súllyal és 64 km/órás maximális sebességgel.