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Ducati Motorcycle History
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Ducati is an Italian motorcycle manufacturer know for sportbikes and street bikes using L-Twin engines. The Ducati company was founded in 1926 in the northern Italian town of Bologna. But motorcycles were not being produced in the Borgo Panigale plant, with the firm producing radio equipment. The company’s Italian holdings were decimated during World War II bombings and like other famous European marques, Ducati rose out of the ashes to its current stature.
Hhistorique Ducati 1926-2002
Naissance de la "Società Scientifica Radio Brevetti Ducati" à Bologne. La famille Ducati ainsi que des industriels locaux fondent la société dans l'intention de produire les composants nécessaires à l'activité des radiocommunications alors en plein essor. A l'époque, l'activité principale est la production d'appareils radio, de condensateurs, ....
History of Ducati
Known at first for its sporty line of lightweight single-cylinder bikes, Ducati hit its stride in the early 1970s with its V-Twin sportbikes that were the pinnacle in their era. Ducati currently produces several desirable racing-inspired motorcycles. It also has a rich racing history with particular dominance in World Superbike competitions. Ducati offers sophisticated bikes in various distinct market segments: Superbike, Supersport, Monster, Multistrada, SportClassic and Hypermotard.
La storia della Ducati
Il 15 gennaio 1924 Adriano Ducati riuscì, con apparecchiature radio autocostruite, a collegare la sua abitazione di Bologna con gli Stati Uniti d’America.
A Societa Scientifica Radio Brevetti Ducati céget 1926-ban alapították a Ducati testvérek: Adriano, Marcello és Bruno. Eleinte rádóalkatrészeket gyártottak, majd a második Világháború környékén kerékpárra szerelhető segédmotort fejlesztettek ki. Az első Ducati motorkerékpár 1950-ben került piacra 60 cm3-es motorral, 44 kg-os súllyal és 64 km/órás maximális sebességgel.